Rusovský penzión

Modern accommodation

Rusovsky Penzion offers accommodation for guests near Bratislava. The facility is located in Rusovce, one of the suburbs of the Slovak capital. The distance from the centre of Bratislava is approximately 13 km (20 min by bus). It is also very close to Austrian and Hungarian borders. There is also a restaurant and a bar in our facility. The restaurant is an ideal place for organizing of various events, such as weddings, parties, proms etc.


The opening hours have been adjusted due to the cancellation of the emergency
The restaurant is open from 10:00 to 22:00.
The pub is open from 9:00 to 22:00.
The kitchen is open until 21:30. (latest orders)
We offer accommodation in the standard mode, the reception operates through the restaurant. Breakfast is already available as standard in our restaurant.
We ask you to follow the precautions so that you have your upper airways covered with a drape or other upper airway cover when entering and staying on the indoors. (This measure does not apply to the time needed to consume food and drink). Use hand disinfectant when entering indoors.
In general, the measures apply according to the current Covid slot machine, which you can find on the website
With these measures, we care about the safety of us all. Therefore, after each customer, we disinfect all areas, such as tables, chairs, menus, and we also provide inspection and disinfection of toilets every hour.
we thank you
The team of the Rusovsky pension


The pension is located on the first floor above the restaurant. We offer accommodation in the modern furnished single and double rooms as well as in apartments with the possibility of adding an extra bed. There is also an opportunity to use fax and a copy machine, if needed. Pets (dogs, cats etc.) are allowed to stay in the rooms. Free Wifi Internet in each room.